Teaching your child to regulate their emotions takes time but can be done in a variety of ways. Using visuals to help them learn to recognize and name emotions is often a great place to start. Visuals can also be used to help teach children different coping tools they can utilize when they feel upset. Start by showing and talking about these visuals when your child is calm and regulated, then model how you would use them and have your child practice with you by role playing scenarios. Read a book and ask your child to name how characters are feeling. As your child learns and grows, you can encourage them to name their feelings and use tools that work best for them to help them regulate their emotions. You can click below on the pictures or title to download a copy of each visual.
Feelings Chart Bilingual
When I Feel Upset
When I’m Frustrated
Take a Deep Breath
Take a Deep Breath (Bilingual)
How Do You Feel? Thermometer (English)
How Do You Feel? Thermometer (Spanish)